Need answers? +1-503-517-7711 Call Today.
*TEXT Photos for Psychic Palm Readings by Phone -or- In Person
Mariel: Palm Reading - Psychic ~ Counseling - Author
+ School of Arc Healing + Spiritual Medium Readings
Worldwide + Portland, Oregon + Beaverton

Answers for Life Guidance. Call-or-Text
~ Sessions By Appointment ~
In Person By Phone *Virtual Zoom App

Heal Your Heart and Spirit

I welcome you. Receive ANSWERS and Past Life Insights. Palm Readngs are combined with Psychic ability to tune-in with you . Compassionate Wisdom for all faiths. beliefs, races, and ethnic origins. Awarded "Portland's Most Trusted Psychic" by KGW-TV. Rated #1 GOOGLEreviews. *Life Path Guidance *Practical insight *Healing. Receive INSIGHT on lovelife, relationshps, children, marriage, divorce, life purpose, your abilities, business development, money, health, spiritual insight, magnetizing abundance, happiness, and peace. Aura Readings and Clearings are also offered, along with and removing anything negative attached. Feel better! Clairvoyant/ I am a Clairaudient/Clairsentient and Empath Healer. Receive greater spiritual understanding and practical tools to have more of what you want in life! I was greeted by two Angel escorted me through the tunnel of light. (They are still in communication with me to bring you additional guidance.

"Thank you, Mariel, for helping me find myself and understand my life purpose. " --Jen Nordstrom- "Mariel, in the five years I have known you I am amazed at all that you can 'see'! You are very psychic! You have become my "one-stop shop" for looking into my future, my past, and helping me with my relationships and career. I am grateful for you." -Priya Ananda-

>>Experience: 28+ Years.<<
Rated #1 Palm Reading
Psychic Counseling included with in-depth Hand Analysis.
Answers for you. Relationships ~ Love Life ~ Children ~ Energy Healing ~ Career Counseling
+School of Arc Insight and Healing School
Tuning in to Arc Angels brings the inspiration you need to grow your soul.
Spiritual Medium sessions allow me to tune in with loved ones who are on the other side.

NOTE: Tarot readings are for insight into a single situation. Palms show your entire life path+more.
Choose 30 mins / 45 mins / 60 mins
>>Palm Reading gives total view of your life path and what your opportunties are.

See our 50+ Google ratings with full reviews.
Worldwide services. Call from anywhere for guidance!

"Most Trusted Psychic" rating by community. Your private session is all confidential.

#1 in Palm Reading and  Hand Analysis 
You can text photos for phone reading.
I show you your lines and explain your life opportunities. 
Record it on your phone. Readings can bring positive life changes.

I have been doing Psychic Readings in Portland longer than anyone.
+Hundreds have graduated from my School of ARC Healing which brings calm and more intuition.

Location: SW PORTLAND: 10700 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy., Park Plaza West Bldg.2 #470-6, Beaverton, Oregon 97005  >CALL 503-517-7711  for an appointment. 

BY Appointment. 
Please call or Text ahead to schedule.
No drive-up window / no walk-ins.  

Now, 1 location in Beaverton. Worldwide by phone. 

>>Mariel Martin, Psychic>> listed on Google Maps.
Park Plaza West Bldg.2 , Beaverton. OR is 20 minutes from Downtown and close to SE Portland. 

International Psychic & Coach - Medium - Palm Reading - ARC Angel Healing - Trauma Release
Known internationally. Featured on TV and Radio shows. Experience does count.
University educated. Accepted at Harvard and licensed.

Cash or check preferred. Paypal available.
When you TEXT ME photos of your Hands and face I can do Palm Reading for you long distance. +Plus: ARC Energy Healing provided locally and/or sent long distance. Maximum benefits both ways.
My book Cinderella Lives in a Bomb Shelter is available on Amazon as an ebook or paperback $17.95.

I show you YOUR LINES! I encourage you to record on your phone to have insight every day.
BONUS: AURA Reading included in 45 minute session. 
++ARC Healing" Clears past trauma (stored in your energy field) during deep relax session.

Insight to Inspire You: Happiness ~ Lovelife ~ Relationships ~ Life Path ~ Spiritual Connection ~ Career ~ Business ~ Healing ~ Family divorce

Link to Podcast (click here) :

Podcast link:  www. Mariel Martin interview 11/11/20. 45 minutes on NDE Experience and inspired work helping you heal with ARC ANGELS.
Listen in to profound experiences. Learn more about ARC Energy Healing, Near-Death Experience (NDE), meeting Jesus and angels, and being 'bathed' in unconditional love that I was given to bring back to you. ARC Healing is for you and is an activation that lasts your lifetime.

Podcast interview of meeting Angels during my NDE:
Please know it was during my Near-Death Experience (NDE) that I was asked to return and help my family and you, along with many others. I am devoted to helping you.

"Best Psychic Award"  Beaverton 2021 and many prior years. 
Established services in Oregon in 1997 (27+ years of experience).
Palm Readings that are given in person -or by text - to look at your soul's mission in life. 
*SAME DAY appointments sometimes possible. RESERVE AHEAD is best.
I am a natural born Clairvoyant / Clairaudient / Clairsentient / Medium and ARC Healer. 
Mariel's History: Previously, I had a high-paying Corporate Career and left that behind to follow my calling of helping YOU and your family.  Find Love, success, and ways to relieve stress. 
 Down to earth, yet spiritual, sessions are often life-changing.           
Receive messages from your Angels.

p.s. I have been doing Psychic Readings, Palm Reading, Relationship Guidance, and Healing longer than anyone in Portland, Oregon! 

Options for you to receive the guidance you want and need:
  • Healing sessions can be 30 minutes. You can also enroll in School of Arc Insight and Healing The 90 minutes are $225 ARC Healing with 1-on-1 Mentoring to become a Healer. (Usually $290; a $75 discount applied = $225.)  Call to request an ARC brochure for more info.
  • FRIENDS CAN SPLIT A 1 HOUR SESSION ($75 each for 3 people to each have 20 minutes). 

  • $310 Couples Counseling 90 minutes >>This could save your marriage / or guide you.) 

  • Gift Certificates are available for all occasions. A 30 minute session = $100. 45=$150.
  • >>> All ages are welcome. I even read the Palms of Teens and even newborn babies.
  • Inspire your sons and daughters with a palm reading to help them reach their dreams! 
  • See the Google reviews, 
  • ARC Healing is a spiritual emotional release with a higher vibrational activation. 
  • >>>
  • Please note: 95%-100% Accuracy. I began as a Child Psychic at 3 years old. (Yes, you read that correctly.)
  •  I am an Empath, Medical Intuitive, and Spiritual Teacher, Psychic Counselor, Author, Healer in addition to be a Psychic and Palmist.
  • >>>
  • Yes, I have worked Police Cases to solve crimes and tune in with missing people.
  • I also cut chords of energy to help FREE you of old relationship's connection. 
  • I also help people to find LOVE.
  •  Past Lives 'flash in' to help you understand your current life path and to heal you. I am also provide deep RELAX sessions to remove stress /trauma from you so you FEEL better.
  • You can **TEXT ME** Your Palms for Palm Reading from anywhere in the World.  Include your email. Hundreds have reported it is very inspiring!
  • If interested: International Psychic Readings have been provided for people in: Canada, England, Ireland, Scotland, Switzerland, Belgium, South Arica, Australia, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Dubai, China, and, of course, the United States. 
Call +1-503-517-7711 to schedule today. 
You can also text me to request I call you back.
Paypal accepts currencies and cards worldwide.

Feeling lost? CALL NOW. You deserve happiness. You can also email me here.


"Your reading was life changing for me and my daughter. Thank you!" - Boni J. Transformational Psychologist, Louisiana-

"Wow! I'm so glad you read my Palms. Your reading was right on!" -Roseanne Barr, Comedian, Hollywood, California-

"How do you see all that in my hands? Clearly, you have some type of advantage!" -HP Bachinger, PH.D. Biochemist, Oregon-

"I went to Sylvia Brown the Psychic for a reading but you gave me way more insight for my life. Thank you! - Linda C., Washington-

"Thank you for saving our marriage. It took some work to follow your advice. We almost broke up. With your guidance we are much happier together. -Chris and Michael-

Copyright Mariel 2020. All rights reserved. Please respect intellectual property. I do not give permission to reproduce these pages.

During Readings and Healings I go into a light trance meditative state to bring the most insight that I can to you. That is how my Psychic Readings and Palm Readings bring you more. Not at all like Others who only answer one or two questions, I am here to inspire you on your Life Path. I also work with you as a Life Coach and Psychic Counselor. The insight you receive is often life changing.

Remember this: You are never alone.Feel better in even ONE session! 
And to learn more about what to expect you can go to Google and read the many reviews previous clients wrote to share their experience.
  • Get to a Better Place
  • Enjoy Happiness and Good Health
  • Find Love and Happiness that Lifts You Up
  • Receive Greater Understanding in Your Relationships
  • Embrace Love For Yourself and Be Fully Who You Are 
  • Have More Peace, Calm, and Confidence for Making Better Choices
  • Find Your Life Path and Reap the Rewards of Abundance and Your Best Life
You are welcome to come one time for Life Guidance.
You can also come one time for Healing.
However, for more serious situations an instant "push the button" solution does not exist!
Spiritual Classes that are available for ongoing support for all ages. Graduates have been as young as 8 years old.
Learn ARC Healing, becoming Intuitive, practical energy tools, and how to RELAX and gain confidence. Learn how to release anxiety and work with your own abilities!

REQUEST our brochure on ARC Energy Healing if you are ready. You will feel it! 
Be the change you wish to see in the World. Become an ARC Energy Healer in 4 classes.

  • 10700 SW Beaverton Hillsdale Hwy
  • PARK PLAZA Building 2, Suite #470 (20 minutes from downtown) ss.) CALL Mariel 503-517-7711 TO MAKE APPOINTMENT> Let me know your preferred Date/Time/and Length of time you wish to reserve. I do Private Sessions AND Group Readings to Inspire you. -or - Phone Readings also available. (Beaverton Office location over 22 years. 2nd floor in office building.

Insight to Inspire You Practical Guidance for: Life Path ~ Love Life - Career ~ Personal Choices Portland, Oregon and Worldwide services since 1997. + ARC Healing for Clearing Emotional Abuse and Physical Trauma and Entities

Psychic Readings +ARC Healing

I am a natural-born Psychic and Empath Healer. I tune in with you and loved ones who are far away. I am Clairvoyant+Clairaudient-Clairsentient and a Spiritual Medium. International Advisor, I started doing Readings at 3 years old! Over 30 years of experience. I combine Psychic Readings with ARC Healing. Angels are with me since I survived a Near Death Experience (NDE). Healing Energy clears Trauma. Feel better!

Palm Reading and Life Path Guidance

Insight For YOU> Spiritual and practical guidance. Your hands reveal everything about you: talents and gifts, essence, career opportunities, love life, future family and relationships. 60 mins includes Soul Mission. MUCH MORE than entertainment. Focus on GOOD NEWS and inspiring you.

Book of Insight for Empaths and Survivors

"Cinderella Lives in a Bomb Shelter" by Mariel Martin A true story of a daughter's search for love. A spiritual journey with insights for sensitives, empaths, spiritual seekers and mature teens, and all survivors struggling to rise above the past and find peace.Book Link: $17.95 paperback -0r- Ebook kindle $8.99 Facebook: Mariel Martin (School of Arc Healing) Instagram: Mariel-Cinderella-Lives

Learn More